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Small Claims

Small Claims Menu

Contact Information



  • (316) 660-5900​


  • (316) 941-5359



Records Requests:


Department Hours


  • 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

  • Monday - Friday


  • Saturdays

  • Sundays

  • Federal Holidays





  • 5th floor


Attention Small Claim Customers!!
All Small Claims hearings are being held in the main courthouse at 525 N Main, on the 5th floor.

Small claims court is designed for simple legal problems such as the recovery of money or property up to $10,000.00.  Please seek legal advice how to proceed if you are unsure if small claims is the court for your legal matter. 


Before proceeding, the following information may be helpful to you in determining if you should file a small claims case. 



Attorneys may NOT represent parties in a small claims proceeding prior to the entry of judgment.  Exception if one party is an attorney the other may hire an attorney.


Small Claims is located at the Sedgwick County District Courthouse in the Civil Department:

525 N Main, 11th floor, room #1100


Hearings for Small Claims are on Wednesday and Thursday. 

  • Bench trials are set at 9:00 a.m. or 1:30 p.m. 

  • Order in Aid, Citation and Motion hearings are set on the first and third Wednesdays at 2:00 p.m.



Make filings with the clerk in the following manner:


In person:

  • Clerks office is open from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday excluding holidays.  Payment by exact cash, check, money order, or credit card (Visa, MasterCard or Discover) is accepted.

By Mail:

  • Mail paperwork to the small claims office. Payment only by check or money order.

By Drop Box:

  • A drop box is located directly in front of the Sedgwick County Courthouse. Payment only by check or money order.

By Fax:

  • Fax your paperwork to the small claims office. Payment by credit card (Visa, MasterCard or Discover) and the credit card authorization sheet will need included. 

    • IMPORTANT: The sheriff fee cannot be included when filing by fax. You will need to contact the sheriff office to arrange to pay their service fee.

Small claims fees for new cases:
Small claims fees for post judgement filings:

Sheriff Fees for Service:

There is a $15.00 charge payable to the county sheriff to perform service.  (This is a separate fee from any filing fee or surcharge payable to the District Court).


If you need to obtain service out of state, it is your obligation to contact the out of state county sheriff office for the fee payable to their office.  In addition, you will need to provide the clerk with the correct mailing address for their office. 


Small Claims Forms:

You may print forms and clearly handwrite or type the information in the fillable form and print, this is the preferred method.


Temporary Requirement:


The Self Represented Litigant form to be included with all forms filed by a self-represented litigant.

Read here Self Represented Litigant form Explanation


Small Claims New Case Packet


Financial Affidavit (fillable)


Request for Service (fillable)


Judgment Debtor’s Statement of Assets (fillable)


Certificate of Mailing (fillable)


Notice of Appeal (fillable) $197.00 filing fee required


Journal Entry of Dismissal (fillable)


Motion to Set Aside Judgment (fillable)


Motion (fillable)


Garnishment Non-Wage Packet (fillable) $12.50 surcharge required


Garnishment Wage Packet (fillable) $12.50 surcharge required


Request for Hearing for Non-Wage garnishment (fillable)


Request for Hearing for Wage garnishment (fillable)


Request for Written Explanation (fillable)


Affidavit of Written Explanation (fillable)


Written Explanation of Garnishee’s Computation (fillable)


Release of Garnishment (fillable)


Order to Pay (fillable)


Motion for Judgment against Garnishee (fillable)


Notice to Judgment Debtor (fillable)


Order to Appear for Hearing in Aid  (fillable) $12.50 surcharge required


Citation for Contempt for non-appearance  (fillable) 


Citation for Contempt for failure to return Judgment Debtor Statement  (fillable) 


Satisfaction of Judgment (fillable)


Small Claims Change of Address Form (fillable)


Small Claims - Venue Information Sheet


Small Claims - Plaintiff Instruction Sheet


Small Claims - Defendant Instruction Sheet


Small Claims - Citation For Contempt


Main Courthouse
525 N Main St, Wichita, KS 67203

Main Courthouse Hours

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Monday - Friday

Juvenile Courthouse Hours

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Monday - Friday

Clerk Hours

8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Monday - Friday


Juvenile Courthouse
1900 E Morris St, Wichita, KS 67211

Please note that some departments may have different hours. For hours of operation for a specific department, please refer to the web page for that department.


To view our holiday schedule Click Here.

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