Resources for Tenants and Landlords
These self-help resources are informational only. They are not legal advice.
Eviction Fundamentals
Landlord/Tenant Mediation
Eviction Resolution Program
A new Eviction Resolution Program has been created in the 18th Judicial District. This program can assist landlords and tenants by providing information about the eviction court process and connecting individuals to services in the community that may be able to help. This could include mediation, which is a chance for a tenant and landlord to work with a neutral party to reach an agreement.
Learn basic information about court and the local eviction court process.
Review a list of community resources to find agencies that may be able to help.
If you need help from the Eviction Resolution Program, please complete the Tenant Intake Form.
Before you file an eviction case you may want to consider other options.
Antes del desalojo consideren todas sus opciones.
If you need help from the Eviction Resolution Program for an issue with a tenant, please complete the Landlord Intake Form about the situation.
If you are unable to complete the electronic intake form, please contact the Eviction Resolution Program at 316-660-5659.
City of Wichita Housing Resources
Housing and Community Services – This department has resources and information available for homeowners, landlords and tenants. Visit their website for important information about various topics, including low-cost home improvement loans, public housing, housing choice vouchers, the local retaliatory eviction ordinance, and the City’s Landlord and Tenant Handbook.
Legal Resources
Kansas Legal Services (KLS) – The Wichita KLS Office may be able to provide free legal advice or assistance. You may be asked about your income as part of the screening process.
Call (316) 267-3975 or 1-800-723-6953 to see what services you qualify for.
KLS attorneys have set times to provide free legal advice in-person to those who qualify. They are available at the Sedgwick County Courthouse (525 N. Main, Wichita, KS 67203) in courtroom 5-5 (on the 5th floor) on the following days:
Wednesdays: 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (same day appointments only, made on a first come first served basis)
Find more information for tenants and landlords on the KLS website.
Additional links:
What to do about eviction | Kansas Legal Services
Landlord Handbook and Rights - Responsibilities | Kansas Legal Services
Tenant Issues and Rights for Kansas Renters | Kansas Legal Services
Kansas Free Legal Answers – Through this virtual legal clinic, you may be able to submit questions about civil legal issues and receive answers from volunteer attorneys in the state. This service is only online, and you may be asked about your income as part of the screening process.
Bar Association – The Kansas Bar Association has a Lawyer Referral Service which connects people to attorneys with experience in a particular area of law.
Similar resources can also be found at the local Wichita Bar Association website.
Kansas Laws – Check the Kansas Revisor of Statutes website to find the current Kansas Landlord and Tenant Act (K.S.A. 58-2540 through 58-2599) and Evictions Statutes (K.S.A. 61-3801 through 61-3808). Choose “next” to move through the statutes in the Act.