Division 24 - Presiding Judge Tyler Roush

Sedgwick County Courthouse
525 N. Main Street - 10th Floor
Wichita, KS 67203
Current Assignment:
Appointed to the Bench:
Division E-Mail: SG.Div24@Kscourts.org
Judicial Administrative Assistant
Cassandra Nordick
Phone: (316) 660-5624
E-mail: Cassandra.Nordick@kscourts.org
Court Reporter​
Sandra Berger
E-mail: Sandra.Berger@kscourts.org
Judge Tyler Roush is currently the Division 24 Judge of the 18th Judicial District Court. Judge Tyler Roush has been District Judge since September, 2016. He has served in Family Law since 2017. In addition to hearing his normal case load, Judge Roush helped implement a number of changes to the administration of family law cases. He coordinated training the liaisons from our local advocacy centers to operate our Protection Order Office. He also piloted rewriting the local rules and revamping the pro se forms.
Judge Tyler Roush was born and raised in Wichita, Kansas. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from Northwestern University with a double major in Economics and Math Methods in Social Sciences. Afterward, he earned his Juris Doctor and Masters of Business Administration from the University of Missouri, where he earned Order of the Barrister honors from law school and Outstanding MBA Student Generalist from business school. He also received the Bar Plan Foundation scholarship, which is awarded for ethics and professionalism. After graduation, he worked briefly in St. Louis practicing civil litigation before returning home to Wichita.
Prior to taking the bench, Judge Roush handled over 1,400 cases and tried over 45 jury trials in the Sedgwick County District Attorney's office. Afterward, he continued his public service by working for Sedgwick County in the County Counselor's office, where he advised the county's public safety units, including the Sheriff's office, on a variety of legal issues. He is also an Eagle Scout.