Adult Probation
Contact Information
(316) 660-5640
(316) 941-5362
Department Hours
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Federal Holidays

General Information:
Once sentencing occurs, Court Services Officers may then take the role of supervision and monitoring of the supervision plan set forth by the Court. Court Services Officers often find themselves acting as a facilitator, monitor, enforcer, community partner, counselor, and service provider to the parties involved. Court Services also provides courtesy supervision to other districts within Kansas as well as incoming Interstate Compact misdemeanor cases.​
Mission Statement for Kansas Court Services:
Under the authority of the Kansas Judicial Branch and the State of Kansas, the purpose of Court Services is to continue the judicial process in a timely, professional, and ethical manner consistent with community interests.
This is enacted by completing the responsibilities of court reports, supervision, which holds offenders accountable for their behavior, promotes public safety and improves the ability of offenders to live more productively and responsibly in the community.
Here in the 18th Judicial District we currently have a staff of 19 Court Services Officer’s (CSO) and 3 Support Staff. Adult Probation is divided into two departments: Probation Intake & Probation Supervision unit. The CSO III supervises both the Intake and Supervision Departments.
Probation Intake - This office is located in the Sedgwick County Courthouse and is designed to receive and process new probation cases. They also monitor interstate compact cases (probationers being supervised out of state).
When a defendant is sentenced and granted probation their defense attorneys escort them to the intake office to be processed and assigned a CSO. Intake completes all preliminary paperwork and explains conditions of probation to the defendant then the case is passed on to the supervision unit.
Supervision Unit - This unit supervises the majority of defendants on Adult Probation in Sedgwick County. This unit supervises 2100 cases on a monthly basis. Each case is assigned to a CSO who monitors the probationer’s compliance with the court’s orders. The CSO assists the defendant by providing referrals to community based resources that will assist them in carrying out the court orders. The CSO follows up to see that these programs meet the defendant’s needs and that the probationer is participating as directed. These programs are designed to improve the quality of the life of the probationer and promote community safety.
All probationers are required to obey all laws and report to the CSO as directed. Court orders can also include travel restrictions, payment of court costs, fees, fines and restitution, participation in alcohol, drug and mental health treatment or counseling, attendance at support groups such as AA, NA or CA, community service work, random drug tests, educational and vocational programs.
The CSO provides direction to the probationer to help them meet the court requirements, improve the quality of lifestyle and secure safety within the community. The CSO also interacts and coordinates with Law Enforcement agencies to investigate if probationer is in compliance with the law.
How to Succeed on Probation:
What prompts a Probation Violation (PV) Arrest Warrant or an Order to Appear?
Failure to report as directed. Because it is the first priority of the Court Services Officer to see that the orders of the Court are carried out, it thus becomes the responsibility of the CSO to monitor and assess your progress towards completing probationary conditions. It is your responsibility to remember when to report.
Subsequent arrests for any offense may be considered grounds to seek revocation of your probation.
Failure to make payments towards costs, fines, and or restitution may be considered a violation.
Positive U.A.’s may be grounds to seek revocation of your probation.
Any and all other conditions of probation you have been directed to comply with, are equally as important as those set out above, and any other breach of such conditions will be considered a violation of probation.
It is important that you consider that a violation may mean the difference between the enjoyment of freedom vs. incarceration. It is equally important to know that each PV arrest is accompanied by a bond, and if you choose to violate terms of your probation, you must be prepared to pay dearly to bond out of jail pending your PV hearing.
As you can see, while probation offers an opportunity towards a measure of growth and success, which are yours alone, the choice of decisions you can alternatively make can bring negative consequences. Please choose wisely.